Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Muhammad Ismail
1 min readApr 16, 2021

Modern era is the era of technology. Technology made our life very comfortable and also made us very lazy in our own life. The basic cause of laziness of society is excess of using social media and electronics devices.

As a result of laziness when someone want to do a task many things came in mind that does not allow the person to complete his tasks. This major problem in modern society and in our minds called procrastination. To over come this problem there is a technique is called pomodoro.

As the technique mentioned above is eat that frog with a pomodoro.

when I am doing this technique to do my task I face many difficulties. When I tried to do some work there is a notification on my cell phone that distracted me a lot but I perform my task properly.

It helped me to accomplish more and also helped me to perform it in less time.

Yes I plan it to do in regular basis for doing important tasks in which IO face a lot of distraction. Here in our course we discus a single technique of pomodoro but I’ll try my best to perform different techniques of pomodoro. By giving my self small awards at the end of every task. By going out or getting 10–15 minutes power nap after completing the work.

